Trigger a GitHub Action Pipeline with a Comment

How to Trigger a GitHub Actions Pipeline with a Comment UPD 2023-09-07: Clarified some caveats around checking out the code when triggering a pipeline with a comment. Look for the UPD 2023-09-07 text on this page. Building comment-based workflows is a pretty neat thing from the UX perspective. You can work on the code in your IDE, create a pull request, and then leverage PR comments to run some automation....

August 18, 2023 · 11 min · Yurii Rochniak

How to add, use, and update `.terraform.lock.hcl` without pain

This is the first guest article in this blog. This is one is by Maksym Vlasov - my co-author of the CatOps channel. Pre-history As you may know, Terraform 1.4.0 has introduced changes, which break the previous unintentional behavior. Previously, you could ignore the lockfile and use cached providers as long as the version constraints in the code were okay with your local cache. Starting from 1.4.0, Terraform always checks the lockfile before going into your cache directory....

June 20, 2023 · 10 min · Maksym Vlasov

Kubernetes Operations Survey 2023

Annual Kubernetes Survey by CatOps It is the second time I run this survey. You can find the previous year’s results here. You can find the raw data in the Google Sheets. You can also read this article on Substack. Introduction This year, I ran this survey for two months: from the 14th of March to the 18th of May, and gathered 122 responses in total. Yet, I must admit that I only promoted this survey for a month....

June 2, 2023 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak

Types of Technical Interviews

Initially, I wrote this article in Ukrainian, but I decided to translate it to English and share it with a broader audience. I also added some suggestions from the comments and removed some regional-specific references, but overall the text is mostly unchanged compared to the original. Why am I even writing this? I participate in the hiring process for my company. Also, I’ve gone through quite a few interviews in my life....

April 8, 2023 · 11 min · Yurii Rochniak

My Notes from Fosdem & Config Management Camp 2023

My Notes from Fosdem & Config Management Camp Read on Substack. Sup! It’s been a while. So, both Fosdem and Config Management Camp conferences are back offline. Thus, I’ve spent a long weekend at my usual Belgian conferences. Here I want to share some notes with you from the talks I attended. I’m lazy, so I didn’t take notes in real-time. On one hand, this may be a reason these notes be not super accurate....

February 9, 2023 · 12 min · Yurii Rochniak