
Disclaimer: Initially, I wanted to write a single article about Velero (former Heptio Ark) and share some opinions on when it makes sense to use it. However, I realized that this article became too broad, and I derived from the original focus. Therefore, I decided to split it into several parts. The first one will be just a brief overview of Velero and some of its features since this is the tool that gave a start to the whole idea....

September 23, 2021 · 7 min · Yurii Rochniak
internet image

On orchestrators, schedulers, and platforms

I briefly mentioned this issue in a podcast recently. So, if you understand Russian, you’rewelcome to listen to it. However, after I heard the news that Apache Mesosis going to be moved to Attic, I decided to write this post. Here I want to wrap up my thoughts and opinions on what’s going on on the infrastructure management scene recently and how we ended up like this. And also why I believe that things like Nomad and ECS are not quite a competition to Kubernetes nowadays....

April 12, 2021 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak


What’s Crossplane? Crossplane is an Open Source tool, which allows you to manage Cloud infrastructure as Kubernetes objects. In other words, you can create, modify, and delete AWS cloud assets using only Kubernetes manifests in the same way as with Terraform (or another IaC tool). It also allows you to manage cloud resources in different public clouds using a concept of providers very similarly to Terraform. Therefore, Crossplane allows engineers to manage the whole application lifecycle from a single entry point e....

February 1, 2021 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak

A year with Kubernetes: Recap

Image source I’ve been using Kubernetes for almost a year and want to share some takeaways and things I’ve learned about it so far. Some context. We had a team of two engineers working not only on Kubernetes but on all infrastructure-related topics. Our main application was a Python monolith, plus a few satellite-services. Our infrastructure was dynamic due to autoscaling, and a lot of things were optimized for costs (check out my article about running Kubernetes on AWS Spot instances)....

June 26, 2019 · 6 min · Yurii Rochniak