How did I choose a microphone (a very beginners guide)

[Somewhat Long] Intro If you have a lot of Zoom calls, which is something very common these days, you need to have a good sound. Believe me. Even if you only talk to your colleagues at occasional business meetings. At the beginning of the WFH era, I thought that getting a good webcam is more important. And it looks like a lot of people share that feeling. At least, it’s still hard to buy a Logitech webcam on the market....

March 27, 2021 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak


What’s Crossplane? Crossplane is an Open Source tool, which allows you to manage Cloud infrastructure as Kubernetes objects. In other words, you can create, modify, and delete AWS cloud assets using only Kubernetes manifests in the same way as with Terraform (or another IaC tool). It also allows you to manage cloud resources in different public clouds using a concept of providers very similarly to Terraform. Therefore, Crossplane allows engineers to manage the whole application lifecycle from a single entry point e....

February 1, 2021 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak

NeoVim GUI configuration

I’m writing a post on NeoVim and NeoVim GUI configuration mostly for myself. Even though I have all my dotfiles on the Github, some configuration requires gluing. Also, some things have to be executed in a particular order and some configs must exist in particular places. I spent some time looking for fixes for occasional issues and polishing some rough edges. So, here I just want to put it all together, so I won’t need to go down the googling spiral if I need to set up a new development environment for myself....

January 17, 2021 · 7 min · Yurii Rochniak

Год 2020

via Да, давайте ещё раз пошутим про непростой год. Лично для меня он оказался не таким уж плохим и я до сих пор продолжаю ловить некоторые инсайты. Следуя правилам хорошей ретроспективы, первым делом нужно посмотреть, чего я там нажелал себе в прошлом году и что я из этого зафейлил. Профессионально развиваться на новом месте: я там ставил акцент на конференциях и митапах, которых по понятным причинам я посетил не так много, но на них мир клином не сошёлся....

December 30, 2020 · 7 min · Yurii Rochniak
pulumi logo

Two days with Pulumi

Pulumi is just another Infrastructure as Code tool, yet it’s different from what I’ve seen before. It offers some interesting concepts like usage of the generic purpose programming languages, state tracking, etc. I had some time recently so I decided to play around with it. Here I want to share some thoughts about this tool. In my opinion this is the first IaC tool, which was created for the “Dev” side of “DevOps”....

January 31, 2020 · 7 min · Yurii Rochniak