Blog Redesign

Blog Redesign I have redesigned my blog recently. Well, not really redesigned, rather applied a Hugo theme, that I liked the most. This is how it was before: And this is how it looks now: Why so? Supporting a theme is hard. I’m not a web developer. I have some idea about CSS and I can use a bunch of examples on the Web to create something on my own, but it takes a lot of effort....

December 14, 2021 · 4 min · Yurii Rochniak
internet image

On orchestrators, schedulers, and platforms

I briefly mentioned this issue in a podcast recently. So, if you understand Russian, you’rewelcome to listen to it. However, after I heard the news that Apache Mesosis going to be moved to Attic, I decided to write this post. Here I want to wrap up my thoughts and opinions on what’s going on on the infrastructure management scene recently and how we ended up like this. And also why I believe that things like Nomad and ECS are not quite a competition to Kubernetes nowadays....

April 12, 2021 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak

How did I choose a microphone (a very beginners guide)

[Somewhat Long] Intro If you have a lot of Zoom calls, which is something very common these days, you need to have a good sound. Believe me. Even if you only talk to your colleagues at occasional business meetings. At the beginning of the WFH era, I thought that getting a good webcam is more important. And it looks like a lot of people share that feeling. At least, it’s still hard to buy a Logitech webcam on the market....

March 27, 2021 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak