Рік 2021

Ось і минув рік 2019 і 3/4. За цей час ми побачили, що пандемії так просто не зникають, а час на розробку вакцини не є основною перешкодою імунізації. Традиційно почну з того, що набажав собі на цей рік: Вакцинуватись від COVD - DONE. Також записався на бустер у січні. Якщо ви вакцинувались близько півроку назад, пошукайте, як можна отримати бустерну вакцину. Якщо ж ви досі не щепилися, то що з вами не так?...

December 29, 2021 · 8 min · Yurii Rochniak

Why backup Kubernetes?

This is the second part of a series of articles regarding Kubernetes backups. You can find the first part about Velero tool here. Why Backup Kubernetes? In the previous part I provided a brief overview of the backup & restore tool for Kubernetes called Velero. Now, I would like to talk, why backup your cluster at all? What makes a cluster? A typical production cluster has a three-layer structure. There are Kubernetes components themselves....

December 27, 2021 · 6 min · Yurii Rochniak

Blog Redesign

Blog Redesign I have redesigned my blog recently. Well, not really redesigned, rather applied a Hugo theme, that I liked the most. This is how it was before: And this is how it looks now: Why so? Supporting a theme is hard. I’m not a web developer. I have some idea about CSS and I can use a bunch of examples on the Web to create something on my own, but it takes a lot of effort....

December 14, 2021 · 4 min · Yurii Rochniak


Disclaimer: Initially, I wanted to write a single article about Velero (former Heptio Ark) and share some opinions on when it makes sense to use it. However, I realized that this article became too broad, and I derived from the original focus. Therefore, I decided to split it into several parts. The first one will be just a brief overview of Velero and some of its features since this is the tool that gave a start to the whole idea....

September 23, 2021 · 7 min · Yurii Rochniak
internet image

On orchestrators, schedulers, and platforms

I briefly mentioned this issue in a podcast recently. So, if you understand Russian, you’rewelcome to listen to it. However, after I heard the news that Apache Mesosis going to be moved to Attic, I decided to write this post. Here I want to wrap up my thoughts and opinions on what’s going on on the infrastructure management scene recently and how we ended up like this. And also why I believe that things like Nomad and ECS are not quite a competition to Kubernetes nowadays....

April 12, 2021 · 9 min · Yurii Rochniak